Career Opportunities


 Lone Mountain Archaeological Services, Inc. is a 30-year old small CRM consulting firm located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We have several openings for archaeological field technicians for projects throughout New Mexico. Pedestrian survey will include walking at least 6 miles per day carrying a backpack, able to tolerate temps over 100-degrees, experience with GPS is a plus. Field survey will include assisting with site recording, artifact analysis, and mapping.

There may also be an opportunity to assist on excavation projects.  Duties would include excavating, screening, collecting artifacts, and mapping. The field schedule will typically be 10 days on and four days off for projects located outside of Albuquerque.  Occasional overtime is possible. All applicants must possess a valid driver’s license and be a US citizen.

The pay rate for technicians will range from $20.00 to $23.00 per hour depending on experience and education. Per diem will be $50.00 per day plus single-room lodging. Please email a letter of interest including availability, curriculum vita or resume, and references (no phone calls, please) to:

Jon R. Blackwelder, Principal Investigator